Like I said I live in my head. I keep up there among other things a pen that is constantly scribbling on the walls of endless halls and numberless rooms.Only a micro fraction of these heiroglyphs actually make it through the gates of the eyes to my hand on this physical plane. These days it feels as though I'm walking through a dark valley with nowhere to lay my head. The road is rocky and the night is pitch black.I scribble blindly in my restless pace. My hand is spastic as I stumble over pot holes to make my way.I cradle my pen and paper unable to read the results.One boot in front of another I'm praying for the dawn when the eastern star will come. Why do I bother to draw and write? These things will come to nothing still it's all I know to do. The longer I trod here on this mud ball the less sense it makes to me. I know who I am and where I'm headed but that's about it.
Hi Jake, I was looking up people I used to know and came upon your blog and your daughter's, Summer's. I've read quite a bit of both and they have really been mesmerizing to me. Your daughter is very creative and seems to be doing well.
I'm Gail (formerly married to Rollie Grogan... eewww)and as you may remember we all lived on Waverly Avenue in Palo Alto for awhile. We did light shows, Rollie produced some shows, you did the posters; Blue Mountain, a forerunner of Pablo Cruise practiced in our basement; most of us were usually high at any given hour of the day. I don't think you had met Barb O. yet, you were infatuated with "Naomi" (fake name) and the girl across the street, that you used to call the "heater Hoverer".
Remember Carla and Bob - two houses down that always had a gallon jug of Father Cribario on hand?
Anyway, my life has changed pretty radically since then. No more Father Crib, pot, angel dust or acid for me any more! My husband, kip and I, became charismatic believers about 25 years ago and its changed our lives radically. We go to a foursquare church in Aptos called the "Coastlands" and its been great. The last time I remember, hadn't you been involved in a Christian church with Jody?
I have four children, ages 24 to 35(Kelly-who you met) and 4 grandchildren. Email me if you wish or you can write me on my facebook.
Gail Jackon
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