I've been making the rounds with my traveling minstrel show and was due to play an outdoor market in the car town of Urban Sprawl. This little nitty gritty city is a real salt of the earth blue collar community, folks who have always been generous to me. It's a virtual melting pot of many diverse nationalities living and working together.For centuries in every corner of the world the open air market has been a universal age old tradition. It's a meeting place of neighborhoods and a place where one can still get to know the growers of small independent farms. We can taste their produce and learn from them. This festival of farmers has an international feel ,taking place at any time and at any place on God's green earth. To me it's like a living art form, where my role is to weave a sound track of music into the organic multi-cultural tapestry,a weave of color ,texture, styles and languages. One might see here a little of Eden where all peoples could gather for a potluck supper and all sit at the same table in peace.
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