I employ a kazoo in my one man band. It is held in place by my harmonica rack worn round my neck. This allows me free hands to blow the thing and play guitar at the same time. Without tooting my horn too much I can honestly say I'm a proficient kazoo player.When singing falsetto tremolo through it's tin housing I can mimic the lead licks of an electric guitar. I can get the sound of a dixieland brass band out of it also. I can even sound like a two cycle dirt bike shifting gears,the kids love this. However I hesitate to call a kazoo a musical instrument. It sounds more like a fly on steroids and for the most part a very annoying and rude contraption. I know there are so called orchestras dedicated to it's importance but I found it serves another purpose. Ninety percent of the time it's metallic humming actually causes my audience to disperse . This is quite funny and it can be utilized at markets when a couple of loud obnoxious people are standing on top of me or when a camped crowd congest the walkway for too long. I'm not sure people realize why they must flee from the noise but a look of question and bewilderment overcomes their faces when the rattling waves from a professionally played kazoo reaches 'em. There's only one other sound I can think of that perplexes the pedestrian listener enough to where he don't know whether to flip or fly.That of course is a song that makes direct mention to Jesus.
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