If you haven't checked Summer Pierre's blog lately she has been doing some amazing reflections in the form she calls "flyers"or as I call them "illustrated memories." I've known this "great gal"for 30 somethin'years. Though she loves people and we adore her she's never been afraid of the lengths of solitude it takes to look deep inside and express those things with one of her giftings be it writing, music or art. She spent a lot time by herself growing up not by choice however in those times of loneliness she developed a rich internal life. I was not available physically or emotionally most of the time yet we share a very close bond today due to her huge heart and willingness to reach out as she does with all the folks in her life. I could tell you about her substance as a songwriter and her killer rhythm guitar.I could speak of her talents and the painstaking time and expense that has brought us all an album that I in particular never tire of listening to. We could discuss her draughtsmanship and how I've seen her actually invent and draw her peers and groups of friends before they even manifested on the scene. I could talk about her keen observations,her sense of humor and knack of storytelling with dead on impersonations that absolutely slay me. I could try to articulate the near euphoria I get eating her lemon meringue pie or banana cake. All of these abilities by the way are self taught. But in the final analysis what is talent without character? You can tell a lot about person when children and animals are drawn to them and this is Summer's case. I've witnessed her genuineness when asking someone how they're doing, then listening to that person with focus and care, offering encouragement as well. She can put others first to a fault but still an admirable trait. Honest as the day is long always trying to do the right thing. The kinda person you would want as a friend. What else can I say she's my daughter and my close friend. Happy Birthday "Minnow"xoxo dad