Thursday, July 20, 2006
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Wednesday, July 05, 2006

In the dream I stood in my birthday suit downtown at the corner of Freedom and Boredom streets. I was wearing nothing but my "car" guitar, the beat up one I always keep in the trunk. Trying not to draw attention to my lack attire, I pretended to tune my guitar. I thought if I appear to be a serious musician no one would mistake me for a looney. Just then a cop was driving by and taking quick notice he addressed me by a loud speaker " Sir, we require shirt and shoes at this establishment" My guess is that my guitar hid the fact I didn't have pants either. By now a spot light from above blinded me and the rest of the city scene faded into black like house lights dimmed in a concert hall. I was now in front of an upside down mirophone stand.I could barely make out beyond the stage an immense seated audience in the darkness.I stared at my lit barefeet & for the life of me I could not remember a single word of any song and so fiddled with tuning my guitar stalling for time. Thinking I was clever I began a lengthy dissertation on the difference between being "naked"as opposed to being "nude." I explained being "nude"is being without clothing and "naked"meant being without concealment or disguise. "In conclusion "I spouted like a professor "Tonite I hide behind my instrument wearing only my birthday suit. I not only lack my duds I confess to you that my so called talent is a total sham. I apologize from the bottom of my heart and your ticket price will be refunded." There was dead silence then a voice like a heckler way up in the nose bleed seats yells " It's was free admission you dork!"which brought the house down. Taking the queue "leave 'em laughing" I took a deep stage bow. This move of course left nothing but full frontal exposure which caused quite an uproar.I was chased out of the building by what must have been the Women's Auxiliary who were angrily chanting " Happy Birthday to you!Happy Birthday to you!"