While busking an outdoor market at the train depot I took a couple of cents out of my guitar case and meandered over to the tracks. I spit on the small sum and stuck it to the rail. This is something I did many times as a kid but today as the ol' draWriter I'll have to pass it off as research. Inspiration like the spirit is always afoot. Any minute the 419 of the southern specific RR would rumble and roar through here w/o stopping. At that loud cataclysmic moment one coin would hold fast on a shaking rail while the other coin would drop clear of the mighty locomotive. One penny would be changed forever in a twinkling of an eye and the other would remain in tack as recognizable currency.The one transformed is without face nor date and has transcended the borders of country. A paper thin puddle of copper, metal w/o memory,it possesses no recollection of the business of hands. This radically retired revenue went out in a blaze of glory.It barely resembles the dull brown penny it used to be.Instead it's curious shape reflects the sun like water.It tells it's own tale and by this the castaway coin has been redeemed, increasing in value ten fold. So my friend when you addressed the faraway look in my eyes with the old adage " a penny for your thoughts" I was pondering these things from above.
"...meet me by the railroad track, you can hear the train approaching. Put some pennies down and stand back. And watch our luck become faceless and undefined. We know everything we need to know down deep inside."
Beautiful picture, dad!
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