There are times when I am inspired to draw the likeness of a face. It's fascinating to observe the diversity of facial features in people around me. It is also interesting that under the face our bone structure and our skulls are so similar. We like to claim our idenity with individuality but underneath our skeletons and in our human behavior,we have strong resemblences to each other.When I draw a person I sometimes like to do so undetected with no self consciousness on the model's part. Isn't that when we see who people really are...when they think no one's watching? This incognito approach allows me only a quick glance. Just as it is with first impressions, it is possible to gather a picture of a person after short introductions. The discipline I apply is to afford myself a brief look at my subject and then I depend on photo memory to sketch a quick caricature. On the other hand, a more serious portrait involves commitment and it must be felt. Details of a person on the surface, within the soul and behind the light of the eyes are familiarized with time and great care. Just as it is with making a friend we invest ourselves with some transparency and a measure of love. It's then something beautiful is captured and hopefully a lasting impression as well.
Gee, when did I draw that?? Is that the wonderful medium of crayon? I cannot recall. I only draw people I love--relatives or artists or both.
Sum, according to the sporatic order of my sketchbook #36859B I place the hair preshaved era circa 2003 summertime @ abbywood ct. The drawing on the previous page was by you also, you may recall drawing the lot of us in the pool.
I got your package last night--thank you! Just in time, by the way. Are you ever going to write in here again?? I miss your posts!
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