From an old photograph I was wearing my once favorite shirt. The look of my face has changed and the shirt long since gone even from the rag bin. I remember but I ain't sentimental. I recall but I ain't nostalgic. There are whole chunks of early childhood I can't place. Maybe if I" draWrite" with my left hand I may get in touch with that kid. I live in my head a lot. Home has no address. There is no old neighborhood. Life has been one very very long street of households and people. This road started as I was growing up and picking up to move on all too often. It did not pay to get close to anyone 'cause I wasn't staying put. A loner yes but I developed a rich internal life that has sustain me even til now. There's a big difference between isolation and solitude. Time alone doesn't bother me, it's essential for what I do, art. Life is transient at best. I hold all things loosely including relationships and I love all of you from a far.
I think this one may be my new favorite drawing.
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