I brought in mind a lion with me to the park. In my hand contained within a single stick of sidewalk chalk was the mighty king of beasts. Under shade tree shadows and the thick bordering shrubs lay a pathway of concrete. A place where the town's folk promenade.Walking deliberately tracking , my eyes read the subtle signs in the watermarks and dried up rain puddles. It would be this spot where the water rings tell tales of creatures big and small. I sense just under the surface the fierce feline waits. The song " The lion sleeps tonite" is playing in my head "a weem a wet a weem a wet, in the jungle..."and I know this is the place. So in a voice only he could hear I summoned the big cat. Bending at the waist I touch the stonelike slab with the chalk key and I feel a gate open. Suddenly his eyes appear followed by his massive head and his huge mane shown just like rays off the sun. He emerges as if through the floor and out a cellar door. His benevolent expression peers out and puts some on lookers at ease. I take a wide stance as lion tamers often do. With chalk still in hand I make one sweeping stroke defining his arched shoulders and the long length of his back. From this single unbroken line I could see he would be much bigger than life. I beckon him to come forth. The children looking on gleefully spout "it's a lion!" and the grown ups agree. Now I add his proud chest and muscular front legs. His giant paws are bigger than eight pairs of shoes. With my shuffle steps his angular hind quarters and cable thick tail were drawn. He had come quickly as lions often do. I circle him with more dance moves, sharping features and adding whiskers. He was something to behold, his sheer size kept some folks from getting to close . They were soon relieved though to see he was all but a pussycat in the hands of animal trainer like myself. In fact that big cat proved to be an ice breaker. It was amazing how much conversation was generated that saturday in the park all starting with a simple stick of sidewalk chalk.
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