To make amends with a friend I've had to eat crow and humble pie and probably will again. In the case of argument of who's right, who's wrong and being quite sure I'm right only then to react in an offensive way, I find it in myself to be unacceptable. It is here I must put the main issue aside. It is at this point I must swallow my pride "eat crow and humble pie"because my knee jerk reaction of angry words is now worse than the disagreement. Even though it " sticks in the craw" I'll apologize for my behavior for the sake of the relationship. Don't wait to long...
Right or wrong: FANTASTIC illustration! Keep the posts up dad, YOU RULE!
i concur - this image knocked me out. you produce so much - there's a whole world in you. amazing.
When your friend is another mans wife...which of your actions do you find offfensive?
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